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Conscious Consumer


Discover how your shopping habits affect people, animals, and our planet.


  • UX Researcher
  • UI/UX Designer
  • IxD Designer
  • Brand Designer


  • Full end-to-end prototype
  • User interviews
  • Competitive analysis
  • Persona discovery
  • Task and user flows
  • Site mapping
  • Wireframing and testing
  • High-fidelity prototypes


  • Figma
  • Miro
  • Whimsical
  • Zoom
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1. Research


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I am a big believer in voting with my wallet. Over the years, companies are beginning to recognize the push from consumers to adopt socially and environmentally responsible practices. As a consumer, I prefer to purchase from companies that align with my values in regards to human rights, the environment, social justice, community involvement, and animal protection.


With this in mind, I would like to explore ways to make this information easily accessible to all consumers so they can make informed decisions on where they spend their money.

User Research


  • Understand the target audience's preferences, needs, and pain points when it comes to choosing where to shop.

  • Determine the participants’ thoughts on the relationship between where they spend their money and how that affects social and environmental issues.

  • Determine the participants' awareness of how to find information about a company’s social and environmental impact.

  • Determine the participants’ willingness to change their shopping habits based on their access to companies’ social and environmental impact.

  • Determine the specific social and environmental causes that participants’ feel have the most impact on their idea of a sustainable future.

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  • 12 female, 1 male

  • 11 married with at least one child

  • 11 ages 30-45, 2 ages 45-50

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3 interviews (Zoom & phone recording)

I set aside 30min to interview each participant.  I recorded each session so that I could go back and review body language, etc.

10 completed surveys (google forms)

Survey completions provided a faster way to collect additional data and insights into people's shopping habits and their interest in companies' social and environmental impact.

Research Synthesis

Research Interviews

I used the interview transcript and affinity map to organize the responses to each question into easily identifiable groups.

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Using the affinity map, I noticed themes began to develop in the participants’ responses, which lead to valuable insights.

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Survey results & insights

Top factors when choosing where to shop:

1. Price & Quality
2. Convenience
3. Treatment of employees
4. Social responsibility
5. Environmental responsibility
6. Ethical sourcing
7. Product variety

Survey results & insights

Top company social & environmental topics:

1. Fair labor
2. Racial, gender, and sexual identity equity
3. Pollution
4. Animal protection
5. Renewable energy usage

Survey results & insights

In regards to companies’ social and environmental impact:

More than half of respondents sometimes or often actively seek such information.

100% of participants reported they would change their shopping habits based on access to such information.

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Most reported they get their information from word of mouth, indicating limited access to the information.

90% of participants find it moderately to nearly impossible to find the information.

Competitive Analysis

A competitive analysis was conducted to understand my competitors' strengths and weaknesses, to find a gap in the market, and to help me recognize how I can enhance my business strategy.


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The research interviews, survey, and the competitor analysis revealed key insights as well as features that will give my company a competitive edge. 

Provide details about the rating

Provide info on the impact you can make as an ethical consumer

Include a product accreditation program

Add a social media component for members

Develop an app with reliable research

Allow members to donate to the company or other social or environmental causes

Provide info on how to get involved in your community



People want easy access to information about companies’ social and environmental impact to help shape their shopping habits but they haven’t found a reliable and easily accessible source.


How might we make information about a company’s social and environmental impact easily accessible to all consumers so they can make informed decisions on where they spend their money.  

2. Information Architecture

Feature Matrix

Based on the user research, I developed a prioritization matrix to determine which features would be: 


a.) most beneficial to my users and
b.) least effort/time to develop in order to stay on target with my MVP.


3. Interaction Design (IxD)

IxD Deliverables

Task flows

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User flows


Task flows

User flows




4. Branding & Visual Design

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As I conducted research (both quantitative and qualitative), I learned that to make the Conscious Consumer brand feel like a trustworthy company, I needed to highlight our core values - collaborative, mindful, transparent, sustainable .

Core Values


Style Tile

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5. Prototyping & Usability Testing

Usability Testing

I took the feedback from the usability testing and organized it into a feedback grid and then used a prioritization matrix to determine what changes should be made in order to stay on target with my MVP. 
The following frequent and severe patterns emerged that required iteration:

Users displayed confusion about knowing where to start the sign up process.

Users expressed the color contrast was difficult to see when turning notifications on/off.

Users consistently selected only one topic under a main category, indicating the instructions were unclear.

Users expressed they would like to shop directly from the details page of each company instead of having to navigate to their favorites page.

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Users displayed confusion about knowing where to start the sign up process.

Original Design 

Improved Design

Users then had to accept the privacy policy to finalize their registration.
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I changed the sign up to a button to make it more obvious and easily accessible to users.
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Users expressed the color contrast was difficult to see when turning notifications on/off.

Original Design 

Improved Design

I increased the intensity of the blue color.
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Users consistently selected only one topic under a main category, indicating the instructions were unclear.

Original Design 

Improved Design

I made the instructions more clear by adding, “Select all that apply.”


Users expressed they would like to shop directly from the details page of each company instead of having to navigate to their favorites page.

Original Design 

Improved Design

I added the shopping option on all of the companies’ details page.

6. Final Prototype

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