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More About Me

With a collaborative and flexible approach to design, I create innovative and intuitive website experiences that inspire connection, exploration, and learning.

Hello once again, I’m Anna! I am a UX/UI designer with a background in speech-language pathology. As a former speech-language pathologist, I bring my enhanced listening skills, empathy, as well as heightened oral and written communication skills to all projects.  


During my tenure as a speech-language pathologist, I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of effective communication. I worked tirelessly to help individuals overcome communication barriers, assisting them in finding their voice and connecting with the world around them. This experience has instilled in me a deep appreciation for the impact that well-designed systems and interfaces can have on facilitating communication and enhancing human interaction.

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My decision to pursue a career in UI/UX design stems from a passion to expand my horizons and explore new avenues for creative problem-solving. I recognized the immense potential of digital platforms to revolutionize communication and saw an opportunity to leverage my expertise in understanding human discourse processes to design intuitive and easy-to-use interfaces. With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to user-centered design, I am eager to utilize my skills to create seamless experiences that bridge the gap between people and technology.

Throughout my journey in UI/UX design, I have honed my abilities to conceptualize, prototype, and iterate upon ideas, ensuring that the end product aligns with user

needs and business objectives. I have gained proficiency in various design tools and methodologies, including heuristic evaluation, wireframing, information architecture, and usability testing. Furthermore, my background in speech-language pathology has provided me with a unique perspective, enabling me to empathize with users and anticipate their needs in designing accessible and inclusive interfaces.


I am motivated by the potential of UI/UX design to positively impact people's lives and experiences online. By designing user-centered interfaces, I aim to empower individuals, facilitate effective communication, and foster connections in a digital world that continues to evolve rapidly. I am excited to collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, bringing my insights from the field of speech-language pathology and integrating them with the principles of design to create innovative solutions that prioritize usability, accessibility, aesthetics, and user satisfaction. UI/UX design is my home and calling, and it keeps me committed to my dream of leveling the playing field so we can all enjoy finding, using, and engaging with the world around us.

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